
Plant and Animal Cells - Differences and structures

 The late scientists Schwann and Schleiden devised a theory known as the Cell Theory which posed that a cell is the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms. A cell is surrounded by a membrane known as the Cell Surface Membrane which is a thin membrane acting as a barrier for the cell contents, its function is to control what molecules enter and leave the cell. All cells contain a structure known as the nucleus which comprises the chromatin, which is a coiled form of a chromosome, and the nucleolus. Next is the cytoplasm which contains the organelles, and is a jelly-like structure found between the cell surface membrane and the nucleus. Despite these common structures present in both animal and plant cells, they also have distinguishing features.

The table below analyzes the common differences between plant and animal cells.
    Plant Cell                                    Animal Cell                            
      Has a rigid cell wall
 Has no cell wall
          Has Chloroplasts
Has no chloroplast
       Has a Large Central vacuole   
       May have small vacuoles      

The image below shows more differences and similarities as well as the structures of  the plant and animal cell.

Image taken from


  1. thanks my ass doesnt hurt as much thanks a lot

  2. this was terrible, just quit. You're stupid kid go away.

  3. First off, Animal cells do not have a flagellum, only bacteria or protist cells. protist cells have chloroplasts, and plant cells do too. If you have protist and bacteria, they DO have a cell wall. There are hundreds and thousands of chromosomes in plant, animal, and bacteria cells. There are not 2 nucleolus in any cells. Bacteria cells and protist cells do not even have a nucleus, they just have DNA scattered around the cell. And what about bacteria and protist having cilia and pilums? Where are the lysosomes? Lysosomes are kind of like vacuoles, but they break down things in them with acid, like worn out cell parts. Please change this, thanks.

  4. It auto corrected ribosomes to chromosomes, sorry.

  5. Thanks that is a very nice article. We have also explained the question that What is cell and Cell Theory in a very detailed and easy way.

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