
Understanding Circular motion & Types of Velocities Involved

What is Circular Motion?
Circular motion refers to motion along a circular path or circular orbit.

Two types of velocities take place when an object is moving in circular motion these include Scalar velocity (υ) and Angular Velocity (ω).

Scalar Velocity (υ)
Scalar velocity can be defined as the velocity occurring around the circumference of the circle formed by the path.

Angular Velocity (ω)
Angular velocity can be defined as the rate of turn of the angle present at the center of the circle.

Angular Velocity

The formula below shows the relationship between angular and scalar velocity:
υ= ωr

Period (T)
Period can be defined as the time taken for an object to complete one revolution. The formula below shows the relationship between angular velocity and period:

Angular Velocity and Period

Frequency can be defined as the number of revolutions per second. It is said to be the inverse of period:

Frequency and Period of rotation

Circular Motion


  1. Absolutely fascinating!! I love these lessons!

  2. Thanks a lot for this fascinating lesson!!!

  3. Really interesting post. You remind me of my physics lessons while I was at college.


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